Data Center Solutions
Customer Driven Design
EAE Data Center product family have been designed and manufactured to address the needs of end users. All designs and customer feedback have been considered, which is used to guide our experienced design team to improve their designs with more user friendly, modular and wide range of products.
Lean Production
For our Data Center customers, ‘Lean Production’ is a valuable tool adopted and used by our company in order to increase productivity and quality, to offer innovative product range and to manage competition. It is an important device that helps to act quickly and decisively, create wide product portfolio and reduce manufacturing costs.
Innovative Approach
The EAE product family provides innovative solutions, such as Seismic Rack Cabinets and Seismic Support Systems, Particular Aisle and Containment for Cooling and In aisle Lighting, Micro & Mini System Room Solutions, Data Rack Busbar Energy Distribution Systems with continuous R&D studies to increase Energy Efficiency and maximize Uptime.
Data Center Solutions
Data Center Challenges