EAE Group#FutureProduction

Busbar Systems

The busbar trunking system was first introduced in America in the 1930s to meet the needs of high-rise buildings and the changing production technologies in factories. The system started to be used in Japan and Europe in the 1950s. EAE Electric. started the production and use of busbar trunking systems in Turkey in the 1970s.

Busbar Systems

Cable Tray Systems

EAE cable trays are produced on automatic production lines through the 'ROLL FORMING' method. The standard tray length is 3m.

Cable Tray Systems

Support Systems

Support systems can be manufactured with thicknesses from 2mm to 6mm with Pre-galvanized, Hot Dipped Galvanized, and Painted coatings in various options.

Support Systems

Fit-Out Solutions

It provides flexible and modular solutions with illumination and socket (Mains and UPS) circuits for small power distribution in offices and plants.

Fit-Out Solutions

Trolley Busbar Systems

E-Line TB and E-Line URC series Trolley Busbar are designed to energize moving machinery.

Trolley Busbar Systems

Building Information Modeling

EAE BIM Solutions

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a working method that increases collaboration among stakeholders, reduces design errors, and lowers costs by creating a virtual prototype of the project. It can also be easily used in the planning, monitoring, and management of the project.
Image of a building's design using BIM technology

Sector Solutions

EAE Interactive Website

All of EAE's solutions are gathered on a single page! In this interactive page, you can explore our busbar system, cable tray, support system, lighting system, and fit-out products interactively for healthcare complexes, data centers, small workshops, electric vehicle charging stations, and tunnel solutions.