
Management System Policy

EAE Electric;
  • Operates to ensure maximum customer satisfaction by continuously improving service quality.
  • Fulfills current legal obligations concerning the company completely and continuously, and complies with contracts.
  • Knows that the international prestige of the EAE brand gains value with the labor of all its employees and adopts each employee as a member of the EAE family.
  • Aims to ensure maximum customer satisfaction by continuously improving product quality and fast delivery with the latest technological developments.
  • Considers Information Assets as respect for its employees, suppliers and customers and ensures that information is clean, secure and accessible by managing all kinds of risks.
  • Provides all necessary resources and takes all foreseeable measures to ensure that its employees spend their working hours in safe environments and protect their physical and mental health and integrity.
  • Makes the necessary preparations and takes measures to ensure the health and safety of its employees in emergency and abnormal situations.
  • Assesses risks and opportunities related to Quality, Information Security, Environment, OHS, Energy management systems and determines the business strategy in this regard.
  • Considers the continuous protection of the environment in which it operates and the improvement of its conditions as its primary duty.
  • Provides the necessary infrastructure and takes the necessary security measures in order to ensure that the IT services used in the realization of our corporate activities continue uninterruptedly and that access to personal and private data can only be accessed by authorized persons.
  • Fulfills the requirements of the Integrated Management Systems we have established and ensures their continuous improvement.
  • Continuously improves the environmental performance of all its products in the production and after-sales process and raises awareness of its employees to reduce environmental risks.
  • Carries out the necessary work for the protection and recovery of existing natural resources and minimization of waste.
  • In order to protect the environment in the best way, our priority is to reduce the use of waste, reuse the waste generated and recycle the waste.
  • Our primary vision is to protect the environment and prevent all kinds of pollution to ensure sustainable development.
  • Identifies resource needs and ensures optimum utilization.
  • Aims to protect the diversity of species, habitats, ecosystems and the integrity of ecological functions by identifying and monitoring the impacts on biodiversity in its activities and supply chain.
  • We declare that we will carry out the necessary work to reduce the impacts of climate change and to ensure the continuity and sustainability of our work while carrying out all the service activities we provide.
  • Is transparent and open to public information in all its practices.
  • By increasing the level of knowledge and awareness of its employees on Integrated Management Systems through continuous trainings, ensures that its employees actively participate in the implementation and continuous development of the system.
  • Works together to improve the quality levels of our suppliers.
  • Considers corporate information, personnel personal information, customer data (financial data, contact information...) as valuable and critical and fulfills the obligations required by all relevant laws within the scope of integrated management systems.